The Canadian Covid Society participated in the Healthy Environments for Learning Day (HELD), a key initiative of the Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE). Healthy Environments for Learning Day, formerly Healthy Schools Day, takes place each April in Canada and aims to raise awareness of and encourage action to prevent environmental health risks to children in early learning and school environments.

Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment logo

A Collective Call for Action to Ensure Healthy Indoor Air Quality In Schools and Child Care Settings

Indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools and child care settings has become
an increasing concern in Canada with elevated wildfire smoke exposure and knowledge about airborne virus transmission, including COVID-19.
Factors that affect indoor air quality include radon, toxic chemicals from products and furnishings, infiltration of outdoor air pollution, inadequate ventilation and filtration, and the effects of climate change. With children
spending 6 or more hours per day in schools or child care, it is crucial that the air they are breathing in such settings is healthy.

CTA-24-Healthy Indoor Air Quality-EN-V4-r4

Read more (PDF).