What is long Covid?


  • Brief history of long Covid
  • Persistence and diversity of symptoms
  • Clinical case definition

Why is it called “long Covid”?


  • Importance of using this patient made term
  • Long covid is a longer and more complex condition than initially assumed
  • Allows for individual patient experiences to be acknowledged

What are common long Covid symptoms?


  • Great diversity in both age of patient affected and variety of symptoms
  • Clusters of symptoms may be episodic or fluctuate over time
  • Explores some common symptoms including: extreme fatigue, memory/concentration issues, post-exertional symptom exacerbation, dizziness when changing position

Episodic nature of long Covid


  • This condition is multi-dimensional, episodic and unpredictable
  • Episodic disability impacts day-to-day life and livelihood
    Clusters of symptoms that can affect multiple parts of the body
  • Disability dimensions show various challenges and the factors that improve or make it worse.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Long Covid Physio for their invaluable contributions to the field of long covid rehabilitation and support.

Mission of Long Covid Physio:

Long Covid Physio is an international peer support, education and advocacy, patient-led association of Physiotherapists living with long covid and allies. Founded in November 2020, the association is dedicated to supporting people living with long covid, providing education for everyone interested, and participating in policy and guideline development to improve care for long covid patients globally. Their core values include collaboration, evidence-based approaches, inclusion, and meaningful community engagement.

About the Animator:

Darren Brown is a clinical academic Physiotherapist with a specialisation in HIV, disability, and rehabilitation. Darren contracted covid-19 in March 2020, with a re-infection in April 2022. His personal experience with long covid and episodic disability drives his work. Darren is a co-founder of Long Covid Physio, playing a pivotal role in their ongoing efforts to support and advocate for those affected by long covid.

For more information, please visit the Long Covid Physio website.